Opening A Document

Click File, Open

    You could also click the Open Button or use the shortcut key Ctrl O.

You want to retrieve your document from the same folder you saved it in. You will find it under the Software folder which is under Sofsource.

If the Software folder is showing in the "Look in:" Window Double-click on First document .


    Click Up One Level button

      The C: (or appropriate drive) should appear in the "Look in:" Window . If not, continue to click the Up One Level button until it appears.

    Double-click on the Sofsource folder

    Double-click on the Software folder
    Double-click on the First document

Word will open the document named First, and display it on your screen.

ReClose A Document
Click File, Close

    Word closes your document.

Now you try!

If you have to quit, don't forget to close Microsoft Word:

Click File, Close
Click File, Exit